Our Ethos

  • Our goal is to be a patient-centred practice, committed to the provision of high quality care by focusing and delivering effectively to the needs of our community, within a positive working  environment.
  • Our ambition is to develop ourselves at an individual and practice level; working with other agencies and professionals to improve the quality of life and care for our patients.
  • Our desire is to ensure that Kingswood Surgery enjoys a positive reputation as a great place to work for our staff; a good practice by our patients and a forward-thinking practice amongst our peers.
  • Our reward comes from knowing that we have been able deliver the best service possible from the resources allocated to us, as we strive to make a difference in our community.

Surgery Premises

Our surgery building will be welcoming, well maintained, easy for patients to find their way around and appropriate to the needs of users, including the disabled.


Patients Rights to General Medical Services

We aim to provide the best possible service to our patients and hope you will feel that we achieve that aim. The care of your health is a partnership between yourself and the Primary Healthcare Team. The success of that partnership depends on an understanding of each other’s needs and co-operation between us.


Our Responsibility To You:

  • You will be allocated a named GP.
  • You will be greeted courteously
  • You have a right to confidentiality
  • You have the right to see your medical records subject to the limitations of the law
  • You will be seen the same day if your problem is medically/clinically urgent
  • You will be seen by your preferred practitioner whenever possible
  • You will be informed if there will be a delay of more than 20 minutes for your appointment
  • You will be referred to a consultant when your practitioner thinks it necessary
  • You will be given the result of any test or investigation on request or at your next appointment
  • Your suggestions and comments about our services will be considered sympathetically and any complaint dealt with quickly

Your Responsibility To Us:

  • Please treat all surgery staff with the same respect – we are all just doing our job
  • Do not ask for information about anyone other than yourself
  • Tell us of any change of name, phone number or address so that our records are accurate
  • Only request an urgent appointment if appropriate
  • Only request a home visit if you are really too ill to attend surgery
  • Cancel your appointment if you are unable to attend
  • Be punctual but be prepared to wait if your own consultation is delayed by an unexpected emergency
  • Allow sufficient time for your consultant’s letter or the results of any tests to reach us
  • Attend for a medication review when asked and before your next prescription is due